
How to setup PayPal API credentials

In order for you to accept one time fees & Recurring Payments on any of our software. You need to create an STRIPE merchant account. What is PayPal? PayPal is a well known credit/debit card processing merchant. That allows you to accept payments, into your account, and later transfer it out to your bank account, if you want to. There is NO MONTHLY COST to using PAY...

The link I have for a download is not working

Unfortunately due to the dynamic nature of the internet, pages can always change. This includes content as well as location. If you find that a link you have for a product or bonus does not work anymore, please verify the link is correctly typed or entered. If you have verified this, please feel free to enter a support ticket to see if we have an updated link for you. This is not a guaran...

How to setup Stripe API credentials

In order for you to accept one time fees & Recurring Payments on any of our software. You need to create an STRIPE merchant account. *NOTE: Before you setup your STRIPE account, make sure you have all your business credentials ready, Personal & Business address, phone number, customer support phone number and support page, business tax ID or Social Security number, etc. P.S...

Access to WordPress Plugins

When you purchase one of our products that either is a WordPress plugin or includes one as a bonus, we highly recommend that you download that plugin as soon as possible and keep it in a safe place. There are times when a link expires or you may forget about a plugin and want it a year or so down the road and need to install it again. We cannot currently guarantee that a link will be available in ...

Do you accept Affiliate/Reseller for your products?

Currently we do have some products in the making that will have Affiliate/Reseller rights. These products will be made known to you, if you would like to partner with us as soon as they are completed, sigup up on our VIP List to get notified ASAP. ==>> SIGN UP HERE

Beta Test Program Rules

Our beta test program is designed for us to get real customer feedback in a short amount of time. In doing so we offer the product for free, if the customer promised to provide adequate feedback on the product. We may charge a small setup fee, depending on the product we are beta testing. If the customer does not provide feedback within the time allotted, we will de-activate the software, and t...

Access to Downloadable Files

When you purchase one of our products that includes downloadable files or includes them as a bonus, we highly recommend that you download those files as soon as possible and keep them in a safe place. There are times when a link expires or you may forget about files and want them year or so down the road and need them for reference or to install something again. We cannot currently guarantee that ...

What is your money back guarantee?

We’re glad you asked.. as we mentioned in our sales pages, you get a full 30 day money-back guarantee when you purchase from us. Our goal is to show how much value our company can bring to your business before you fully commit to your purchase. "Click for more details".

Resolving Disputes & The Naughty-List

We will refund your money if we can not deliver your item, or your item is not working during time of use. If you have raised any dispute with our payment processors in the past, or on our Naughty-List. You will not be allowed to buy anything from us or be allowed to send any payment to us for any of our products or services, and also get support from us. We respect the right to not do busin...

How long will it take to get my account active?

Great question! It depends on the product(s) you have purchased. We try our best to keep it in the 48 - 72 hrs range, but as soon as we are finish with the setup, you will get a product activation email from us.