Exercise Routine for Building Core Strength for Couples in their 60s and 70s:

Exercise Routine for Building Core Strength for Couples in their 60s and 70s:

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Exercise Routine for Building Core Strength for Couples in their 60s and 70s:

Equipment needed: large exercise pad, comfortable exercise attire, water bottle, and a positive

Warm-up: Start with a gentle warm-up to prepare the muscles for the workout. Perform shoulder rolls, arm circles, hip circles, and neck stretches for about 5-10 minutes.

Exercise 1: Seated Leg Lifts
- Sit facing each other on the exercise pad with legs extended out in front.
- Hold hands for support and slowly lift one leg at a time, keeping the core engaged and back straight.
- Alternate legs for 10-15 repetitions on each side.
- Focus on engaging the lower abdominals throughout the movement.
- Breathe steadily and keep the movements controlled.

Exercise 2: Plank with Hand Taps
- Face each other in a plank position on your forearms.
- Slowly tap each other's hand while maintaining a neutral spine and engaged core.
- Do 10-15 taps on each side, focusing on stabilizing the core and keeping the hips level.
- Keep the shoulders relaxed and breathe deeply throughout the movement.

Exercise 3: Side Plank with Hip Lifts
- Lie on your side facing each other with one forearm on the ground and elbow directly under the shoulder.
- Lift your hips off the ground, engaging the obliques and core muscles.
- Slowly lift and lower the hips for 10-15 repetitions on each side.
- Keep the top hand on your hip or reaching towards the ceiling for balance.
- Focus on maintaining proper alignment and breathing steadily.

Exercise 4: Deadbug with Resistance Band
- Lie on your backs facing each other with legs bent and resistance bands wrapped around the feet.
- Extend one arm and the opposite leg at the same time while the partner provides resistance by holding the band.
- Alternate sides for 10-15 repetitions, focusing on extending fully without arching the back.
- Keep the core engaged and breathe deeply throughout the movement.

Exercise 5: Bird-Dog with Partner Support
- Start on your hands and knees facing each other with a stable base.
- Extend one arm and the opposite leg while the partner provides support by gently stabilizing the raised limbs.
- Hold the position for 10-15 seconds, focusing on lengthening through the limbs and engaging the core.
- Switch sides and repeat for a total of 10-15 repetitions.
- Maintain proper alignment and breathe steadily throughout the movement.

Cool down: Finish the routine with a gentle cool down consisting of stretches for the hamstrings, hip flexors, and lower back. Take deep breaths and focus on relaxing the muscles.

Remember to listen to your body, modify exercises as needed, and communicate with your partner throughout the routine. Consistency is key to building core strength, so aim to do this routine 2-3 times a week to see improvements in your overall fitness level. Enjoy the process and celebrate your progress together!

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