Coffee Enemas And How To Take Them (also Audio)

Coffee Enemas And How To Take Them (also Audio)

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Coffee Enemas And How To Take Them 

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From: Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker, D.P.M. The Gerson Therapy —  The Proven Nutritional Program For Cancer and Other Illnesses, 2001,  Revised and Updated in 2006, Chapter Thirteen (page 167)  

Broadly known almost as a hallmark of the Gerson Therapy, the technique  of giving or receiving coffee enemas for program participants has reaped its  share of denigration. Numbers of critics, general detractors, and outright  slanderers have condemned the practice; yet rectal self-injection with a  quart of liquid containing coffee beverage is therapeutic and healing. 

Exemplifying disparagement of coffee enemas was the editor of the Journal  of the American Medical Association, Morris Fishbein, M.D. Now deceased,  Dr. Fishbein was an avowed enemy of Max Gerson, M.D. and anything to  do with his treatment program. Publicly and privately, in speaking of  alternative methods of healing, then known as “unconventional cancer  therapies,” Dr. Fishbein used to repeatedly offer the tired joke: “How do  your want your coffee enema, with cream or sugar?” 

Addressing The Topic Of Coffee Enemas 

But even with a supposed medical oddity relating to its coffee enemas, the  Gerson Therapy has won worldwide respectability. For instance, in a letter  dated March 8, 1999, the Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, a member of the House  

of Lords in England, invited Charlotte Gerson to address members of the  English Parliament about the Gerson Therapy. Peers and MPs attended  her presentation before the Parliamentary Group for Alternative and  Complementary Medicine on May 19, 1999, and her lecture was a great  success. 

Furthermore, Dr. Gersonʼs daughter accepts invitations to address medical  school classes as well, and there are many from which to choose. It is  difficult to describe the incredulous facial expressions which ripple across  the audience of medical students when the topic of coffee enemas is  introduced. Embarrassed sniggering invariably may be heard from several  seats in the lecture hall. And then a wise guy student will be heard to  heckle aloud, “How do you take your coffee?” Snatching a page from Dr.  Fishbeinʼs book, Charlotte Gerson doesnʼt miss a beat when she swiftly  answers: “Black — without cream and sugar.” Laughter relaxes the entire  

classroom and Charlotte goes on to explain this detoxifying aspect of her  famous fatherʼs treatment program. 

Responses from the audience of budding doctors will typically be: “Boy, Iʼll  bet you get a buzz out of that!” Or, “Couldnʼt you just drink three or four  cups of coffee?” Or, “Why go to all that trouble just for a caffeine high?” And  eventually, the most significant question gets asked from active student  thinkers whose medical interests are piqued, “What does a coffee enema  do?” 

Since the full answer was given in our prior chapter, you know the correct  response already. If not, please return to read chapter 12. Dr. Gerson Summarizes The Coffee Enema Procedure 

In a succinct manner, Dr. Max Gerson summarized the best procedure for  self-administration of a coffee enema. He had written down the simple  steps in abbreviated form for easy following. Those directions were  recorded in his famous text for the medical consumer, and the Gerson  Institute has carried forward with refinements to his method as described in  its volume of educational literature. 

Dr. Gerson suggests that the individual assume a specific body position  when taking a coffee enema. He writes: “To make enemas most effective,  the patient should lie on his right side, with both legs drawn close to the  abdomen, and breathe deeply, in order to suck the greatest amount of fluid  into all parts of the colon. The fluid should be retained ten to fifteen  minutes.” 

As was described by now-deceased Harold Manner, Ph.D., in chapter 12,  within twelve minutes nearly all the caffeine from the coffee is absorbed  through the bowel wall and into the hemorrhoidal veins. From these blood  vessels it flows directly into the portal veins and then into the liver. Dr.  Gerson advises for cancer patients and other very sick people that during  the first months of treatment, enemas may be taken as frequently as every  four hours, day and night, for their optimal effect. Some terminal cancer  patients save their lives and restore health by taking five coffee enemas  each day for months at a time.(1) 

In his writings, the formulation that the much-respected German-American  physician had offered as the best coffee enema concentration is the  following: 

1. Drop 3 rounded tablespoonfuls of ground (drip) coffee (not instant) into  one quart of water. 

2. Let the solution boil for three minutes and then simmer for fifteen minutes. 3. Strain the solution. 

4. Fill a quart glass container with the liquid and let cool to body  temperature. 

5. Use this solution at body temperature for purposes of bowel infusion. 

The daily amount of coffee liquid can be prepared at one time, or a more  concentrated coffee solution may be made and then diluted down to the  required strength for repeated separate enemas during consecutive  applications.  

Coffee Enema Improvements Over Half A Century 

Detoxification of the body is one of the most important life-enhancement  contributions of the Gerson Therapy. The coffee enema is the basic  procedure employed; but since the colon is a highly absorptive organ,  enemas can be applied for various reasons. As you learned in the last  chapter, enemas go back to the ancients, and are described in literature  through the ages. 

During the past half century or more since Dr. Gerson first instituted coffee  enemas as part of his treatment program, many improvements have been  added as refinements to the actual enema procedure. This section will  describe some of those new methods that the Gerson Institute has  incorporated. 

Self-administration of the regular coffee enema has been modified slightly  and is now made as follows: 

1. Take three rounded tablespoonfuls of drip-grind coffee and add them to a  quart of boiling water (use distilled water and a stainless steel pot). 

2. Let the mixture boil for three minutes uncovered and allow it to simmer  for another fifteen minutes more covered. 

3. Strain the solution through a fine strainer to catch floating coffee  grounds. Or employ a coarser strainer lined with a filter cloth, such as an  old, used piece of white sheeting or a piece cut from a knit undershirt.  Add enough hot water to refill a glass container up to the 1-quart level.  (Some water will have been lost in boiling and straining.) 

4. Prepare yourself to instill this coffee solution into the rectum when it  cools to body temperature. 

Procedure For Instilling The Coffee Enema 

The patient should lie either on the padded floor (use a cushioning mat) or  on a mattress protected with a plastic sheet, either setup covered for  comfort with a towel. Rather than the floor or bed, some patients use a  camp bed or the famous enema bench (used in the Gerson Cancer Clinic).  This enema bench is made up of a table, about the size of a 4-foot-by-2- foot cocktail table, covered with a 3- to 4-inch thick layer of foam rubber, which,  in turn, is covered with some Naugahyde or plastic for easy cleaning. 

In fact, if you are able to get up and down easily, most often a clean  bathroom floor works best for giving yourself an enema. If that is the case,  you may prefer to put some soft padding on the bathroom floor, cover it  with plastic and a towel (a lawn chaise pad is excellent), plop down a pillow,  and lie down on that padded floor. Be sure, in any case, that you or the  patient you're assisting are comfortable and warm. 

The patient should lie on his or her right side, with legs pulled up in a  relaxed position. If, due to pain, the patient is unable to lie on the right side,  it is acceptable to lie on oneʼs back, also with legs pulled up. Lie on the left  side only as a last resort because the coffee enema goes deeper into the  bowel most effectively from the right side. Take your time letting gravity  force the fluid into your rectum and bowel. Have the bottom of an enema  bag or bucket elevated only about 18 inches above the tubeʼs end that is  penetrating oneʼs anus. 

The enema once fully infused into the colon should, ideally, be held for from  twelve to fifteen minutes. By that time, almost all the available caffeine has  been absorbed. It is not suggested to hold it longer than fifteen minutes,  since the liquid will also be absorbed into the system. If a person cannot  hold the enema for twelve minutes, he or she should do the best they can  without trying desperately to retain the fluid, which could bring on  abdominal cramping. If she or he can only manage say six to nine minutes,  do release the liquid at that shorter interval. Eventually, holding the coffee  enema inside the bowel for twelve minutes does become quite comfortable.  It merely takes practice, and some people have taken three or four months  before achieving the ideal time period. 


A Coffee Enema For The Bedfast Patient 

Occasionally, a patient is bedfast and cannot get up for an enema or go to  the bathroom. In that case, assistance from a support person is required.  Then, proceed as we have described below: 

1. Cover the mattress and bed clothing with plastic and a towel. 2. Have the patient take the enema while lying in bed. 

3. Have the patient hold the quart of fluid if possible for from twelve to  fifteen minutes, and then provide the patient with a bedpan. 

4. If incontinence is a complication, the enema has to be introduced while  the patient is lying on the bedpan. 

As weʼve mentioned — and itʼs an important point — the enema bucket or  bag should not be more than 18 inches (50 cm) above the body so the  coffee does not flow into the bowel under too much pressure. The reason  for this becomes all too apparent rather quickly. An excessive height could  cause excessive pressure and easily set up counter-peristalsis with  cramping. 

If cramping occurs, stop the flow of liquid, either by pinching the tube  closed or by lowering the bucket or bag to the level of the body for a little  while. Then resume the enemaʼs flow. 

A number of patients, at the start of the treatment, have reported  experiencing difficulty getting a full quart of liquid into the colon. If that  becomes the situation for you or your loved one, start with whatever  amount is most comfortably received. Let the patient take and hold that  lesser amount; expel it, and then accept the rest of the enema. 

Some people are able to take the full quart of coffee solution from the start,  but at the time of going through their first healing reaction, they canʼt even  take half that amount. This may come from toxic pressure produced by the  liver. It requires the same sort of procedure as just described: take as much  liquid as is comfortable to hold; expel it, and then take the rest. 

Variations To The Coffee Enema Solution 

There are many variations to the coffee enema. Some patients, if suffering  from an irritated bowel, colitis, diarrhea, bleeding, or cramping, may find it  more comfortable to use half a quart of the regular coffee and add half a  

quart of chamomile tea. This combination is soothing to the intestinal tract  and usually helps to clear the above symptoms.  

In case of serious diarrhea, it may be necessary to eliminate the coffee and  use only the chamomile tea. Usually, as symptoms clear away, some coffee  concentrate can slowly be added to the herb tea, starting with 2 to 4  ounces, then 6 to 8 ounces (always maintaining the quart quantity as the  ideal measurement), until the patient can again handle the full coffee  enema. 

Chamomile tea rather than coffee is also useful at the start of the Gerson  Therapy. During that time, when patients are required to receive five coffee  enemas a day, the last one at 10:00 P.M. may tend to keep them awake. In  that case, we recommend that such individuals replace the last coffee  enema with chamomile tea. Usually, in three to four days, the 10:00 P.M.  coffee enema no longer causes loss of sleep. 

In a few special cases (during severe reactions, in heavy tumor absorption,  or in case of pain striking during the night), Dr. Gerson also suggested a  nighttime enema. If the patient cannot sleep because of pain or discomfort,  it's better for the patient to get up and get out of bed at 2:00 or 3:00 A.M. to  take a coffee enema rather than to toss and turn and not sleep anyway.  Instillation of that coffee enema often allows the individual to go back to  sleep. It may be surprising to some, but these middle-of-the-night enemas  never seem to keep the patient awake. 

Very-early-morning enemas are also extremely important for drug addicts  who wake up with nightmares due to toxicity or from withdrawal symptoms.  Here is a tip learned recently: before taking the nighttime or first morning  enema, it is wise to eat a piece of fruit or have some applesauce or fruit  salad (placed on the night table by the patientʼs bedside) to raise the blood  sugar a little. 

More Explicit Information On The Castor Oil Treatment 

Besides self-administering the coffee enema, another important feature of  detoxification is the caster oil procedure. To accomplish an exceedingly  intensive cleansing technique, Dr. Gerson prescribed a castor oil treatment  for the cancer patient to be conducted every other day. (This caster oil  procedure does not apply to cancer patients who were previously treated 

with cytotoxic or other chemotherapy drugs. They should not take castor  oil.) 

Here is how a candidate should proceed with the castor oil treatment: 

1. At about 5:00 A.M. drink 2 tbsp of castor oil, followed by a cup of black  coffee with 1 tsp of organic brown sugar (Sucanat). 

2. At 6:00 A.M. take the usual coffee enema. 

3. At 10:00 A.M. replace the coffee enema with a castor oil enema. Make the castor oil enema in the following manner: 

a. Into the bucket or bag (for instilling castor oil, a bucket is much  preferable to the bag since it is easier to clean), place 4 tbsp of castor  oil. 

b. Add ¼ tsp of ox bile powder. 

c. Take a cake of regular soap (not detergent) into your hand and rub it for  a few moments into a regular coffee enema at body temperature. 

d. Take this soapy coffee and mix it into the castor oil with ox bile powder,  stirring constantly. (Some people find it best to use an electric mixer.)  

When mixed, the castor oil still tends to rise to the top; therefore, you need  to stir constantly while you allow it to flow into your rectum (quite a trick; if  you canʼt manage it, have somebody do the stirring for you as you take the  mixture). This enema along with the castor oil by mouth is virtually  impossible to hold. Do not work too hard at holding the mixture. Rather,  release when necessary. 

Some patients report that when they release the castor oil enema, it burns  the anus. Burning can occur, but the circumstance to remember is that  caster oil does not burn. Instead itʼs the release of highly toxic material  coming out of the bodyʼs tissues that burns! This is one more indication of  how important it is to take these castor oil enemas. Indeed, after two or  three castor oil treatments, the burning is reduced and disappears. Such a  disappearance indicates that the toxic level in the system is lower and no  longer irritates the rectum and anus. If irritation exists, use a little petroleum  jelly to soothe the area. You may also use a little zinc oxide ointment (not  suppositories, which contain painkillers). 

A number of patients, if they previously suffered from hemorrhoids, have a  flare-up of this situation. It can be uncomfortable for a few days; but the 

patient should definitely not stop the enemas. Zinc oxide ointment may be  applied locally. But please keep in mind that hemorrhoids are usually  caused by toxic pressure, therefore, detoxifying is extra-important, and  stopping the enemas is entirely wrong. It has also been observed in those  patients that the hemorrhoids shortly disappear and do not recur. It just  takes a little waiting time and patience. 

Physical Flare-Ups From The Enema Treatments 

The frequency of taking coffee enemas as well as castor oil treatments is  reduced after a period of time. Some patients are so toxic that reduction of  enema frequencies do not apply to them. If they reduce the detoxification  too soon and then feel ill, toxic, or headachy, they should go back to the  more intensive level for a period of time. Later, they can try to reduce the  frequency again. Each patient needs to adjust the frequency of detoxifying  to his own needs. At times, when the patient does well upon receiving less frequent enemas, flare-ups still could occur. These may include new toxic  releases, increased swellings or pain, headaches, or lack of appetite. At  such times, an extra coffee enema or a castor oil treatment has been  known to work wonders. 

Occasionally, flare-ups are accompanied by diarrhea. At such times, the  patient should only take perhaps two chamomile tea enemas daily to gently  cleanse the colon. When the diarrhea lets up, the patient could instill one  camomile tea enema, followed four to six hours later with one coffee  enema, and another one of chamomile tea at night. When the colon is  calmed, the regular schedule may be resumed, but some of the coffee  enemas can still be mixed with chamomile tea. 

Some flare-ups are extremely intensive and cause a great deal of bile to be  released by the liver. This bile could flow over into the stomach. Bile is  highly alkaline, but the stomach cannot hold anything that is not maintained  in an acid medium. The alkaline bile will therefore bring on immediate  severe nausea, almost always accompanied by vomiting. At such times, the  patient should omit the coffee enemas, since they simply stimulate more  bile flow and more vomiting! Drink a lot of peppermint tea and eat oatmeal  gruel. Use only chamomile tea enemas. When the flare-up is overcome and  nausea or vomiting has stopped completely, then resume the coffee  enemas. 

Some patients have problems with a great deal of gas. When there is much  pressure from gas, it is difficult to infuse the coffee. At such times, it will  probably be necessary to lower the bucket to the patientʼs body height  while prone or even below the patientʼs body (if he is in bed or on a bench)  to allow the fluid to flow back into the bucket while also allowing the gas to  bubble out of the rectum. However, if the gas is too high up in the intestinal  tract, this approach will not work. 

In A Cancer Therapy (chapter 27, p. 201), Dr. Gerson discusses some of  the problems of flare-ups, including difficulties with the coffee enemas. We  already mentioned (see above) that during these unpleasant flaring  reactions, patients occasionally have a problem with infusing the enema  although previously this procedure went smoothly. The other problem  which occurs is that the patient takes an enema, holds it for the optimum  twelve minutes, and then goes to release it. But the infused fluid wonʼt  release! Such an uncooperative bowel comes from intestinal spasming or  cramping, which may not necessarily be accompanied by pain or  discomfort. There are several actions the patient can take for a spasming  colon: 

1. Lie down on the bed, on the right side, legs pulled up, possibly with a  warm water bottle on the abdomen. 

2. Donʼt panic. 

3. If after a little while, the coffee still cannot be released, take another  coffee enema, adding 3 tsp of a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide  to the solution. 

4. If the spasm still wonʼt release, take castor oil by mouth. 

5. For the next few days, put 3 or 4 tsp of the regular potassium compound  salts into each coffee enema. Do not continue the potassium in the  enemafor more than a week, otherwise, the colon becomes irritated.  

During the course of this bowel spasming, at no time is there any danger to  the patient even if she or he is not able to release the coffee. The entire  solution is easily absorbed through the colon and excreted through the  kidneys and urine if it is not normally released. 

There are still other ways to use the Gerson technique of enema therapy.  These are not really cleansing enemas, but rather rectal implants. In a few  cases, patients during a healing reaction vomit almost everything they take

in. They become dehydrated and hypoglycemic. At such times, it is easy to  warm the regular carrot or green juices (including the medications) to body  temperature and put the 8 ounces of juice into the bucket or bag and let it  run into the rectum. (Use only carrot/apple and green juices, not orange  juice. Do not add water to the juice.) This implant should not be expelled.  Consisting of only 8 ounces, it can easily be held until it is fully absorbed.  And instilling with a juice enema may be repeated every hour as the juices  are ready. As soon as the patient is able, he or she should start to drink the  juices again normally. 

Somewhat in the same area, Dr. Gerson also suggested in cases of severe  ulcerations of the uterus or cervix to use a douche made up of green juice.  This is gently cleansing as well as detoxifying, and the procedure  stimulates healing. 

How To Make Coffee Concentrate 

To concentrate coffee for later use as a dilution, use a large stainless steel  pot and 2½ to 3 quarts of distilled water.  

1. When the water boils, add 15 rounded tbsp of organic drip-grind coffee.  Since each enema should contain the equivalent of 3 tbsp of coffee,  using 15 tbsp will give you enough coffee concentrate for five enemas.  

2. Bring the solution back to a boil for 3 minutes, then let it simmer with the  lid on for fifteen more minutes and strain.  

3. Divide the resulting concentrate into five equal portions. (You can put  equal amounts into five 1 quart glass bottles.) 

4. Fill the bottles to the full quart with distilled water for use.  

5. Or, if you need to modify the coffee enema with chamomile tea as we  have already explained, you can add a pint of tea to the coffee  concentrate.  

6. Finally, fill up the (enema) container with enough water to make a full  quart. Before using this mixture, heat it to body temperature.  References for Chapter Thirteen 

Gerson, M. A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and The Cure of  Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy, 1958, 6th ed. Bonita, Calif: The Gerson  Institute, 1999, p. 190. 


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