Vibrate your colon or do an enema?

Vibrate your colon or do an enema?

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Here is a new "invention" 


BOSTON, Nov. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TIME has honored Vibrant, the groundbreaking drug-free treatment for chronic constipation by Vibrant Gastro, as part of its list of 2023’s Best Inventions.


Up to one in five American adults — disproportionately women and people of color — struggle to have bowel movements, and existing treatments ruin their quality of life. Traditional and prescription laxatives cause sudden on-set diarrhea — uncomfortable, uncontrollable and unpredictable. In fact, 60% of patients say the treatments are worse than the constipation itself.


“That’s not the case with the … Vibrant System — a prescription, non-pharmacological capsule programmed to vibrate eight to 10 hours after ingestion, when it reaches the large intestine,” writes TIME’s Katie MacBride. “The vibrations stimulate nerve cells involved in peristalsis, the process that pushes food through the digestive system. When the capsule’s work is done, it passes through the patient and is flushed away.”


Vibrant restores the colon’s natural rhythm and puts you back in control with consistent bowel movements at predictable times. Studies show that Vibrant has a low rate of side effects, with just 1.2% of patients reporting diarrhea. Since Vibrant is not a drug, there are no interactions with other drugs, unlike traditional and prescription laxatives.


“Being honored among TIME’s Best Inventions is further validation that Vibrant offers a real answer for the tens of millions of Americans whose lives are upended by chronic constipation,” said Vibrant Gastro CEO John Schellhorn. “The strong interest we’ve seen since Vibrant’s clearance by the FDA demonstrates how patients and physicians have long sought a real solution for a life-altering problem.”


About Vibrant

Up to 1 in 5 American adults — disproportionately women and people of color — struggle with chronic constipation and existing treatments ruin their quality of life with 60% saying the treatments, which cause diarrhea, are worse than the constipation. Vibrant is a new FDA-cleared drug-free treatment that uses a vibrating capsule to restore the colon’s natural rhythm and put you back in control. Clinical results show Vibrant provides one, two and sometimes three additional complete spontaneous bowel movements weekly, even in severe adult patients, with just 1.2% of patients reporting diarrhea. Since Vibrant’s not a drug, there are no interactions with other drugs, unlike traditional and prescription laxatives. Learn more at


Or take an enema.


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