Regular Tap Water versus Distilled Water: Why Drinking Distilled Water can Alleviate Arthritis Symptoms

Regular Tap Water versus Distilled Water: Why Drinking Distilled Water can Alleviate Arthritis Symptoms

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Regular Tap Water versus Distilled Water: Why Drinking Distilled Water can Alleviate Arthritis Symptoms

Water comprises around 70% of the human body and is essential for most bodily functions, including removing waste, regulating temperature, and lubricating joints. Ingesting clean and pure water is crucial to maintain overall health, particularly for people with arthritis and other chronic conditions. While regular tap water may seem harmless, it may not always be the best choice, especially for individuals with inflammation-related ailments like arthritis. Here is a brief comparison of regular tap water and distilled water and why drinking distilled water can be beneficial for alleviating arthritis symptoms.

Regular Tap Water

Regular tap water mostly comes from freshwater sources, such as rivers, lakes, and dams. Before it reaches our homes, municipal water treatment plants add chemicals like chlorine and fluoride to disinfect and improve water quality. However, tap water quality can still vary widely depending on location and water source. Unfortunately, some tap water may contain impurities, such as minerals, salts, heavy metals, and other contaminants, that are detrimental to health.

Distilled Water

Distilled water is a type of purified water that undergoes a rigorous filtration process to remove any impurities. Distillation involves boiling water and collecting and condensing the steam, which leaves behind most of the impurities in the original water source. The resulting water is essentially pure H20, without any additives or minerals. While some may argue that distilled water lacks essential minerals, most people obtain necessary minerals from food and supplements. Additionally, removing minerals from water can be beneficial for arthritis patients who need to restrict their intake of certain minerals, such as calcium, which can contribute to bone spur formation and joint stiffness.

Benefits of Distilled Water for Arthritis

While water quality can affect overall health, individuals with arthritis may experience greater relief from joint pain and inflammation when drinking distilled water. Here are some reasons why distilled water can be especially beneficial for arthritis patients:

1. Removes impurities that contribute to joint inflammation: Some studies suggest that certain impurities in tap water, such as fluoride, chloride, and heavy metals, can exacerbate joint inflammation in people with arthritis. Distilled water, being pure and free of contaminants, may help reduce joint inflammation and pain.

2. Helps reduce mineral buildup in joints: Arthritis is a condition that involves the breakdown and degeneration of joints. It is essential to prevent mineral buildup in joints, which can contribute to joint stiffness and pain. Distilled water, lacking in minerals, may prevent the accumulation of calcium and other minerals in the joints.

3. Promotes hydration and toxin elimination: Proper hydration is crucial for individuals with arthritis as it helps lubricate the joints and flush out toxins that can contribute to inflammation and pain. Distilled water can provide the necessary hydration without introducing any harmful substances into the body.

In summary, distilled water can provide numerous benefits to individuals with arthritis by removing impurities that contribute to joint inflammation, helping reduce mineral accumulation in joints, and promoting hydration and toxin elimination. Switching to distilled water may seem daunting, but the benefits of drinking distilled water can significantly improve overall health and well-being, particularly for individuals with arthritis.


1. Arthritis Foundation. Does Tap Water Affect Arthritis? 

2. M., Izquierdo, et al. “Fluoride-Induced Chronic Joint Pain: A Cohort Study.” 

3. NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Fluoride & Arthritis: Studies Are Inconclusive, but Concerns Persist.

4. Thibodeau, G.A. A Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology. Mosby, Inc., 2007.

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