Suggested Dosage for Dr. Kelley’s Sol-Zyme Pancreatic Enzyme Formula To Support Cancer Recovery

Suggested Dosage for Dr. Kelley’s Sol-Zyme Pancreatic Enzyme Formula To Support Cancer Recovery

Categories Kelley Enzymes Docs

This formula is different from a standard pancreatic enzyme USP formula in that Dr. Kelley added trypsin and chymotrypsin in specific amounts to empower your body to penetrate the cancer shell (commonly considered the outer membrane around a tumor that protects it from your immune system). We have found that the extra ingredients are, in addition to breaking through the cancer cells, superior to standard pancreatin USP for improving digestion.


For best results, you will consume four capsules six times each day for 25 days each month and stop taking them for 5 days. Most people see changes and improvements in approximately six months and should Ideally continue at these dosages for twelve months or more.

Digestion Commentary:

Have you noticed any of the following symptoms (they indicate you are currently not producing adequate pancreatic enzymes)? Here is a list of symptoms that indicate you would benefit from supplementing your diet with pancreatic enzymes:



IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) 


Farting a lot

Producing really stinky gas

Sleepy after meals

Swelling of abdomen


When experiencing any of the above symptoms take Dr. Kelley’s Sol-Zyme pancreatic enzymes to assist your body in digesting food and in digesting any cancer cells or other mutant-type cells. 


How to get the best results with Dr. Kelley’s Sol-Zyme Pancreatic enzymes; how many, how often, and when? 




  1. Recommended timing when consuming  Dr. Kelley’s Sol-Zyme Pancreatic enzymes for digestion: Take 4 capsules 30 minutes before meals three times a day. This timing allows the enzymes to survive the lower amounts of stomach acid when there is no food present and pass into the small intestine where they will further digest the food you eat. Three times a day.


  1. Recommended timing when consuming Dr. Kelley’s Sol-Zyme Pancreatic enzymes for cancer patients: Take 4 capsules well away from food (one and ½ hours after eating; wait one and ½ hours before eating). This timing is designed to allow the enzymes to pass into the bloodstream and be delivered to the cancer cells. Three times a day. Taking more times is not going to make your recovery faster. 


The recommended diet for the first three months is a whole food plant-based no free oils diet (Note: free oils are never found in nature, they are chemically separated from the plant material thus removing the fiber and most nutrients).


Some reasons for avoiding animal products:

  1. A review of large-scale studies involving more than 1.5 million people found all-cause mortality is higher for those who eat meat, particularly red or processed meat, on a daily basis.

  2. The fat content in animal products ends up in the blood. The fat in the blood Is clearly visible with current technology to cause a slowdown in the blood flow to the capillaries and through the capillaries. This means oxygen and nutrients are not as well distributed to those areas.

  3. The tests using this technology show clearly that it takes 6 hours before the thickening of the blood stops increasing and the fat content begins to reduce.  Therefore, if you're eating a typical animal-type meal three times a day, you're pretty much causing some restriction in your capillaries the entire day.

  4. Blood pressure seems to go down with whole food plant-based diets.

  5. Diabetes and prediabetes are directly linked to animal products in the diet. 


After three months some people may tolerate up to four ounces of animal products several times a month without slipping back into the cancer zone. 


I have been coaching people for 25 plus years and going back to a standard American diet (eggs for breakfast, a burger for lunch, and some kind of animal food for dinner) will, in almost every case recreate disease sooner or later. As revealed by my observation, many people return to Dr. Kelley’s Sol-Zyme pancreatic enzymes to re-cure their cancer after a few years if people just can’t give up meat.

How long must I take Dr. Kelley’s Sol-Zyme Pancreatic Enzymes?

For people who recover from cancer some amount of Dr. Kelley’s Sol-Zyme pancreatic enzymes are recommended for the rest of a long life and some of Dr. Kelley’s Sol-Zyme pancreatic enzymes taken before meals are also recommended.


If you continue consuming Dr. Kelley’s Sol-Zyme pancreatic enzymes as directed for cancer recovery, at some point your body will refuse to allow the entire dosage to pass into the bloodstream. You will notice this is happening because when you sit down to release a bowel movement you may notice an uncomfortable hot feeling (a burning sensation). If and when this happens you should reduce the number of enzyme capsules (maybe reduce it by 25 percent; from four taken away from food to three). If this adjustment handles it you are good until it happens again.


Most likely you will never experience this if you are consuming any amount of animal products.   


When you choose to have blood tests performed I recommend you have the blood drawn on the fifth day of the enzyme reduction cycle and further I recommend you stop all supplements for those five days. The blood tests are going to be more accurate if you take this precaution.


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Thank You,

Dale Maxwell / 20210913


The Game Changers Documentary - Watch the preview and the Movie


In this movie (about health and a plant-based diet) there is an entertaining bit with three athletes and a test they did (they were given a meal and their blood was measured each hour thereafter, plus they wore a medical device overnight that measured erections, frequency, and firmness).

The Game Changers Documentary - Watch the preview and the Movie

On NetFlix

Or Amazon


The following doctors, who perform the tests, demonstrate clearly how much damage is caused to the circulatory system by consuming animal products.


Dr. Robert Vogel


At about 50 minutes

Dr. Aaron Spitz 


Results of the study in video:


18% reduction in testosterone with meateaters


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